Wealth aphorisms

  • Time is the most valuable thing you can buy.
  • Have a “Mr. Market” view of stocks.
  • What you want is leverage - time and nature working on your side.
  • In investing, the only price that matters is the price on the day that you buy and on the day that you sell.
  • The best investors set it and forget it.
  • 99% will be in the 99%.
  • Competition is overrated.
  • The ultimate wealth is time wealth.
  • The purpose of money is autonomy.
  • To grow wealth, continue to use skills learned when young (frugality, appreciation of simple food and pleasures, free activities) when advancing financially.
  • Most wealthy people have given something great to the world.
  • Choose time over money.
  • To create wealth and take asymmetric risks, extend the early 20’s lifestyle for 15 years.
  • Tinker until the world gives you a signal.